Care of Dairy Animals During Monsoon


July 08, 2024

Care of Dairy Animals During Monsoon

Monsoon in India brings relief from heat but all kinds of inconveniences of water-related issues like bacterial infections, viral infections, ...

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Megloc Advance Bolus: No. 1 Choice for Practitioners Across Bharat


July 08, 2024

Megloc Advance Bolus: No. 1 Choice for Practitioners Across Bharat

Pain and inflammation in udders are symptoms of clinical mastitis in dairy animals. Udder pain and inflammation can result from ...

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10 Ways To Keep Dairy Cows Safe in Summer Heat


July 08, 2024

10 Ways To Keep Dairy Cows Safe in Summer Heat

Heat and humidity are two of the greatest challenges in dairy during summers.  The constant exposure to heat and humidity in ...

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Ectoparasites Infestation and their effect in Dairy Animals


July 08, 2024

Ectoparasites Infestation and their effect in Dairy Animals

Summers are here and so are the problems of lice and ticks in animals. Warm temperature, high humidity, and changes ...

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पशुओं में बांझपन : कारण एवं निवारण


December 22, 2023

पशुओं में बांझपन : कारण एवं निवारण

डॉ. विनोद कुमार वरुण, सहायक प्राध्यापक (वेटरनरी मेडिसिन) पशु चिकित्सा नैदानिक परिसर, पशु चिकित्सा एवं पशु विज्ञान महाविद्यालय, सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल ...

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Mukti Campaign


December 16, 2023

Mukti Campaign

Mukti Campaign A noble mission to make INDIAN Animals free from Worm. In this program, our objective is to make...   ...

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